How do high-net-worth manage their online presence?

From online profile curation to digital vulnerability audits, UHNWs are investing heavily in protecting themselves online.

As more and more of the world’s business is conducted online, a strong, strategic online presence can help maximise the potential afforded by a robust reputation. UHNWs are increasingly turning to experts to help them curate an online profile, ensuring their digital footprints are not only professional but also risk-averse.

Security experts can perform background checks, de-index negative views, influence search engine results pages, and conduct court orders alleging defamation or slander if they need to. Others can ensure that any information that is shared won’t make them vulnerable to cyber-attacks. By identifying and monitoring anything that can be used as a negative driver for criminals operating online – for example floorplans of purchased property – and ensuring that personal details are not easily available, they can help reduce their clients are exposed too.

According to data, nearly 28% of UHNW families have experienced a cyber-attack – and cybercrime has become a highly lucrative market. Criminals are using social engineering methods, performing reconnaissance online to collect as much information as they can on an individual before reaching out via email, SMS or a call as a means of getting them to leak sensitive information. Criminals are then able to ensure their attack is as tailored as possible and therefore, more likely to succeed.

One of the biggest risks for UHNW individuals online is the act of overexposing information which may not initially be perceived as sensitive. It is important for UHNW individuals to be both deliberate in what they post online as well as implement controls both at home and in the office to protect themselves against attackers.

Oversharing information online not only poses a security risk but a personal one too. It can lead to reputational damage cases, where misinformation is being shared and accounts compromised.

‘Digital Vulnerability Audits’ identify what private information is publicly available. They identify what material appears online, including any breach data and security concerns. The key is not to engage in any debates, arguments, or disputes online and be aware of who you are following and whether they are publishing any controversial material. Consider who you connect with, and what their motivation is. Be mindful of what brands you are associated with and how those brands’ reputations and campaigns change.

Alongside advising their clients, the experts believe that turning to digital curators is crucial for helping the wealthy expose only what is essential online. This means working with several experts to ensure that what is ‘out there’ on the web is limited yet strategic in terms of the individual’s objectives.

Information usually gets drafted, and several personnel are directly involved in reviewing it before it is published. When photos are published, a security consultant is typically consulted to see if anything can be gleaned from any data that a malicious actor can use.

Understandably, these lurking dangers may see UHNWs choose to forgo having a digital presence entirely, as a way of avoiding exposure and attention. However, it may be harmful for professional reasons. Much due diligence is done from online research by consumers and businesses, and if nothing is identified online, then it may raise questions about legitimacy.

Priavo Security is a security and risk management company dedicated to the protection of private, corporate and maritime clients. We work directly with our clients to provide bespoke, tailor-made security solutions that meet each individual’s needs. If you are looking to manage your online presence or require further information on our reputational management services, please contact

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