Pollinator Pioneers: Inspiring conservation across Worthing

With our natural environment in crisis and pollinators in decline, Pollinator Pioneers C.I.C. aims to inspire mindset change with initiatives that value pollinators, our green and blue space, and the vital role of the humble bee in building environmental resilience.

Their key purpose is to support ecological systems, increase the pollinator footprint locally and champion ocean conservation to strengthen biodiversity. At Priavo we are big on conservation – Just as our business crosses both land and sea, so do our conservation causes. Our team are as passionate about protecting our environment as we are about keeping people safe.

Our Co-Founder, Celine Murphy also works as a Director (and Beekeeper) to the Pollinator Pioneers CIC, running a variety of projects and events that cater to the evolving needs of the environment around us. One of her main goals is to inspire, engage and educate communities and future generations on environmental issues and pollinators, and she enlisted the aid of the Worthing Honey Collective to aid her vision.

The Worthing Honey Collective, Worthing’s first community-supported beehive and pollination programme was set up in 2019 in response to the growing pollinator crisis. They developed a teaching apiary at Worthing Leisure Centre with four goals in mind:

• to increase vital pollinators in our neighbourhood
• to set up and train local people to maintain beehives across Worthing
• to educate people of all ages in the local community on the vital role of the bee
• to increasingly provide forage and support for bees

Their team consists of 16 dedicated volunteer beekeepers (and growing), one very experienced master beekeeper and an apiarist project manager. Throughout the autumn they sell honey, comb, ‘Meet The Bee’ vouchers and a variety of other honey-related products to raise money for their growing colonies.

Falling under the Pollinator Pioneers umbrella – and as a CIC, they exist purely to benefit the local environment, with all profits invested directly back into the community. So our team at Priavo Security decided to swap security for conservation, participating in community events and volunteering time to help raise money and awareness.

Since 2019, together, we have sourced new apiaries, ran a variety of workshops and ‘coloured up’ the apiary in collaboration with local schools; build bug hotels, and instigated a ‘seed bombing’ program to create pollinator forage.

Do get in touch if you feel inspired to help the Pollinator Pioneers. Perhaps you would like to become a trainee beekeeper or would like to volunteer on ‘wild pioneering’ days? Visit Pollinator Pioneers to find out more.

To view more of our charity work across Military, Conservation and local causes, please click here.

Pollinator Pioneers

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