Travel Risk Report: Turkey

The security risks in Turkey vary according to the location and the profile of the traveller. Although this country is rated medium to high risk, travel can be conducted with the appropriate precautions in place. It is still a vibrant hub for both business and tourism although the security risks vary considerably from region to region. Petty crime (mainly bag snatching and pickpocketing) is a concern throughout Turkey, particularly in areas popular with tourists. Violent crime is less common but demonstrations are common in larger cities, such as Istanbul and Ankara, and sometimes involve violence.

Terrorism-related to Islamic extremists, leftist organisations and Kurdish militants is a concern in most parts of Turkey. In recent years, major attacks have taken place in Istanbul, Ankara and resort areas in southwestern Turkey. Government institutions and districts frequented by tourists have been targeted, including Ataturk Airport. The risk of another major attack remains elevated.

The overall risks increase in provinces located in the far east of the country (where there is ongoing tension between authorities and local Kurdish groups) and on the southern border with Syria (where there is a risk of spillover violence). In these areas, there are elevated threats of conflict, kidnapping and terrorism. Medical facilities are of an adequate standard, although medical capabilities may be limited in rural areas.


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