Could You Locate Your Event Delegates In A Crisis?

When you are planning a large conference, AGM or FAM trip, delegate safety and event security are perhaps not always at the top of your list of priorities. However, should an incident occur, could you quickly locate and make contact with all of your delegates?  

Communication is a key part of event and travel safety for passage of information and risk mitigation. Implementing the use of a Traveller tracking platform, such as Priavo’s Locate Global, onto a smart device can help track, monitor and inform delegates as they travel, as well as provide invaluable up-to-date in country information and security advice.    

Locate enables Event Organisers to contact their mobile workforce, guests and delegates instantly through a mass notification tool, so if travel plans are disrupted, itineraries amended or transport delayed everyone is made aware. The ‘check in’ feature gives peace of mind that a delegate has arrived safely at the designated location with real time movement updates. Alerts can be made by a simple shake of the phone, enabling automatic capture of video and audio. If a significant incident occurs, Event Planners can quickly establish the latest location of any users, contact them instantly and activate a set of pre-determined crisis response procedures. Satellite sleeves are also available for additional coverage.  

Locate can be readily integrated into existing Event Apps that you may be using and covers ‘Duty of Care’ responsibilities to manage delegate and traveller safety.  To find out how our app can help you safeguard your team, contact Priavo today.

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