Priavo Security | A Year in Review

We’ve put together a short reflection of 2018 – an amazing year for Team Priavo, positively contributing towards people’s safety in the current global security climate. We would really like to thank our clients, suppliers and global partners. None of our achievements would have been possible without our security operatives: an experienced and diverse team of ‘ninjas’ who have worked very hard this year to keep our clients, their families, interests and assets secure. We have been everywhere from Abu Dhabi and Caracas to Senegal, Sao Paulo and Panama. 

New geographical markets are crucial in order to continue protecting people, securing assets and mitigating risk. As such, we are excited about 2019 and will be announcing our new office opening next month. We have a clear vision for the future with exciting and innovative new developments in travel risk management, offering greater flexibility and cost-effective security solutions to our growing client base.


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