Reporting, Intelligence, tracking and monitoring in Scandinavia

Travel RIsk Management and Traveller Monitoring: Scandinavia

Corporate Security Europe

Reporting, Intelligence, tracking and monitoring for up to 80 travellers on scouts, school trips and summer camps.

Our Approach

  • White labelled, branded risk portal with iframe integration within travel company website
  • Client specific reports issued highlighting relevant safety information and security advice
  • Traveller tracking (following pre-determined check in schedules) through locate app
  • 24/7 user monitoring and pre-defined incident escalation

    • Intelligence monitoring: significant changes within country of travel, developing / emerging incidents reported
    • Traveller safety training and 1 to 1 destination briefing
    • Manpower: 1 security manager, 1 dedicated analyst for 24-hour monitoring, intelligence and emergency response calls, in-country security support, airport meet and greet, chaperones, local vetted drivers and vehicles


    Priavo operatives escorted the Principal and key stakeholders to and from all locations maintaining a safe environment around the Principal, managing and mitigating all types of threat. Our security team remained fully flexible throughout the task to offer full support, liaising with local assets and key contacts. Priavo operations coordinated all road moves, logistical support and secure transportation briefing the Principal and key personnel on security measures adopted.  

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