Executive Protection: Trained Canines

Trained Canines are highly valuable assets in various professional security roles and services. Priavo work with highly trained, fully qualified and accredited K9 handlers and their dogs – suitable for containing a variety of different situations. Working to the highest qualified standards our teams pride themselves in exceptional levels of skill, knowledge and professionalism. Exclusively sourced from military or police backgrounds our trusted network of handlers and trainers allow us to eliminate concerns and provide solutions to suit client needs including the following: 

Explosive detection teams | for screening vehicles entering a location, buildings and areas or people and baggage/cargo. 

Drug detection teams | to screen people/employees/students or offices/schools/warehouses/company vehicles and cargo. 

Pipeline leak detection teams | for the sourcing of leaks for a variety of products: oil, gas, water, aviation fuel and more.

Close protection teams | as a highly visual deterrent and, if required, a proactive force, these teams are regarded as extremely effective and advantageous.

Residential security teams | where the scope of operations is challenging and constantly changing, residential security teams provide a reassuring stability. The flexibility of having an experienced and skilled canine protection team provides a robust and efficient protection.

For more information, or for enquiries please contact: enquiries@priavosecurity.com

To read more information about the services we offer, visit our Executive Protection page.  Additionally,  Priavo provide a variety of Travel Risk Management services including a ‘Travel Safety Platform’ which you can view within our LOCATE Page.

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